Audio help
Having difficulty listening to the audio? If you’re using Internet Explorer, follow the instructions below:
1. Go to your Tools menu
If you do not see a Tools menu, press Alt+T on your keyboard – depending on your Internet Explorer settings, you may see a ⚙️ icon.
2. Once the internet options dialog has opened, go to the Advanced tab
You will see a listing of advanced settings. Scroll down to Multimedia and among the settings, look for a checkbox labeled Play sounds in webpages.
3. Check the checkbox labeled Play sounds in webpages
This will turn on sounds, and allow web pages to play them automatically.
4. Press OK to apply the new sound setting and return to Internet Explorer
If you later on decide that you want to revert to the original setting, and allow Internet Explorer to stop playing background sounds on websites, just follow the same steps, but this time uncheck the Play sounds in webpages checkbox.
Note that this setting, once disabled, doesn’t mute your speakers or prevent other sounds (like embedded YouTube videos) from playing.