Book 0079

Lolly Willowes by Sylvia Townsend Warner

Donated by Samantha Ellis, who says...

Subversive, funny, and very peculiar, Lolly Willowes is the story of a 47-year-old spinster who moves to a village called Great Mop, sells her soul to the devil and becomes a witch. I love its fabulous irreverence. And we need older, odder heroines.

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  1. One of my favorite books. And the first novel I ever read, that has as heroine a single woman who doesn’t fall in love and/or marries. She fights for her independence and finds it too, hurray!

  2. Aunt Lolly is a loveable spinster, just like everyone’s real or imagined maiden aunt. But with the help of the devil, she escapes from the conventional role allotted to single women in the pre-war years. A warm hearted book with more than a touch of magic!

  3. Powerful and rather gothic. The magic is not apparent for some time and then it is introduced gradually until the reader realises that Lolley is a …… No I won’t spoil it. I’m now going to read another Townsend Warner novel.