Book 0082

Magus of Stonewylde by Kit Berry

Donated by Lucy Powrie, who says...

Some books turn up at the perfect time, just when you need them, and that book for me was Magus of Stonewylde. My granddad, who I was very close to, had passed away around the time I first discovered it and I threw myself into books as an escape. The Stonewylde books have been very formative for me and shaped my beliefs and love for the world. I return to the books again and again, and they’re always there when I need them. I owe everything to them!

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  1. I read this book, having taken it at random from the library in Greenwich, whilst on holiday in France. Whilst it isn’t usually the sort of thing I would normally read, and I found some of it a little frustrating, the book has certainly stayed with me and I was hooked by it, and the fictional world that was created.
    I left it in the holiday house we stayed in in France (lots of English visitors). So the book is in an apartment which overlooks the monastery, river and medieval bridge in Lagrasse, in Languedoc.