Book 0084

A Pale View of Hills by Kazuo Ishiguro

Donated by Peter Kosminsky, who says...

This is the great Kazuo Ishiguro’s first book. I read it when it first appeared in the early 1980s and fell in love with it. All of Ish’s masterful trademarks are already in place: the understated style; the gently elusive characters; the effortless juxtapositions. But, in addition, Ish includes the most extraordinary twist in the final pages – the entire sense of the novel turning on the use of a single word. It’s a stunning literary coup which has captivated me for 30 years. I’ll say no more, for fear of ruining what will certainly be an entrancing reading experience for you.

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  1. Having never read any of Kazuo’s works before I wasn’t sure what to expect and that feeling of unknowing never really left me.

    A short novel that calls for slow, patient reading so as not to miss the subtly developing story and characters and a final chapter that almost begs for the whole novel to be reread in a different light.

    I can’t say for sure I’ll be pursuing Kazuo’s other works but this novel will certainly stay with me for a long while.

  2. A Pale View of Hills contains a brilliant exploration of the relationship between the story being remembered, that being told, and the person of the storyteller. An incredible first novel but also with classic first book traits – the scene with the catbox especially. I look forward to reading more Kazuo Ishiguro.