Book 0139

The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath

Donated by Chris Bridges, who says...

People sometimes have misguided ideas about this book and think it’s a festival of doom that’ll leave them feeling bleak and depressed. It’s not. It’s a painful book at times but also a warm and funny book in parts with one of the most beautifully drawn characters in English literature.

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  1. I got this book from the pop-up exhibition in London. At first, I didn’t really know what to expect and it took me quite a while to get into it, especially that I was moving to Bordeaux, France, which is where I have finished it.
    While at times it was quite depressing, it was also funny and insightful. The writing was beautiful and powerful. I really enjoyed reading this book.
    I gave it to an Irish friend here in Bordeaux.